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The daily ritual of coffee drinking is part of millions of lives around the world. Why not drink the best flavored coffee, by learning the tips and tricks of the top coffee connoisseurs? Come visit us at Caffekalina!

Coffee and Health: Reducing Caffeine Intake
Of course, if you simply want to cut down on your caffeine intake, rather than eliminating caffeine from your diet completely, there are alternatives other than decaffeinated coffees.

One is to drink less coffee while focusing on enjoying it more. This is a good tactic for people who consume too much coffee at work out of habit or reflex. Rather than drinking the coffee from the automatic coffee maker or urn, for example, make your own coffee carefully in a small plunger pot, focusing your attention on the act of brewing and drinking.

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Flavored Coffees
Flavored whole-bean coffees -- the hazelnut cremes, Irish cremes, and chocolate raspberries of the specialty-coffee world -- are neither as innovative nor as decadent as they may appear at first glance. Although this particular approach to flavoring coffee in its whole-bean form did not come on the scene until the late 1970s, the notion of adding other ingredients to coffee to complicate or enhance its natural flavor goes back to the first coffee drinkers, the Arabs of what is now Yemen, who from the very beginning added a variety of spices to coffee during brewing.

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How To Use Coffee Grounds in the Garden
How to use coffee grounds in the garden

How To Make Espresso in a Machine
How to make espresso in a pump or steam espresso machine

How To Make Coffee in a Drip Coffee Maker
How to Make Coffee in a Drip Coffee Maker

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