How To Make Coffee in a Drip
Coffee Maker
A drip coffee maker is the most common appliance
for brewing coffee. This is how most people make coffee at home.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: 20
Here's How:
1. Put a clean filter
in the basket.
2. Put ground coffee
into the filter. One heaping tablespoon of ground coffee for every
cup of coffee you want to make.
3. Put the basket
into the machine.
4. Add water into
the reservoir of the machine. About 1 cup for every cup of coffee
you want to end up with.
5. Make sure the
carafe is on the warming plate, under the spout.
6. Turn on the machine.
7. The water will
heat up, and flow through the coffee grounds and into the carafe.
8. When no more coffee
pours out, it's done.
9. The heating plate
under the coffee pot will keep your coffee warm, but if you leave
it too long it will become bitter.
10. Serve and enjoy.
- Not all machines are identical. Make sure to
read the instructions with your coffee maker.