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Time Savers for the Kitchen

Save time in the kitchen with these hints. Rice Cook more than you need. Rice keeps in the refrigerator for up to a week. You can re-heat it in the microwave for a minute, covered. Butter If you need soft butter quickly, microwave it for 5 seconds, turn the stick over and microwave for another 2 to 5 seconds.

Boiled Water Always use cold water and cover the pot. It will boil faster. Skin Removal To remove chicken skin, hold it with a paper towel and pull toward the base of the drumstick or wing.

Defrosting Always separate the frozen foods so they can be used in the quantities needed. Example, chicken breasts in plastic bags, hamburger in non-stick foil, waxed paper or freezer paper. They can then be put in plastic freezer bags and you can use what you need. Roasting Roasting on a rack is best. But if you don't have a rack, you can use two large onions cut in half and placed on a roasting pan. The roast will rest on them and the fat will drain and the onions will add flavor to the meat.

Garlic Getting off the garlic skin can be tricky. You can microwave the cloves for about 10 seconds and they will slip right off. Sliding To stop bowls and cutting boards from moving on the counter put a damp towel under the board or bowl.

Kitchen Tools A kitchen scissor can be used to chop green onions, mushrooms, and fresh herbs. You can also use it to cut large lettuce leaves and slice chicken into strips for stir fry; also trim bread for grilled cheese. Make sure it's a sharp pair and use them only for food.

Other uses dull the blades. Tomato Skin If you need peeled tomatoes, cut them in half and microwave them. Use the high setting for about 3 minutes. The skin will peel away easily. Freezing Wine Adding wine to recipes is easy if you freeze any leftover wine in ice cube trays. Then they can be aded to sauces and casseroles.

Grating Spray a little oil on the grater before you grate cheese and other sticky foods. Chilling Cheese Semi-soft cheeses like mozzarella and Monterey Jack can be frozen for five minutes before shredding to prevent the cheese from sticking to itself. Kitchen Inventory Check your recipes and be sure you have all the necessary ingredients on hand before you start to cook. You can save a lot of time this way.

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By: Phyllis Wasserman


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